Register for our Classes

Complete this form to request a place in our classes for the next term. You will be notified when a place is available

Just First Name is fine. (Optional)

In case we need to text (Required)



Just First Name is fine (Optional)

dd/mm/yyyy (Required)

  + Add Extra Child

Just First Name is fine (Optional)

dd/mm/yyyy (Required)

Dun Laoghaire - Mon. 9:45am (Family Music - 1 to 4 yrs)
Ranelagh - Tue. 9:30am (Family Music - 6 mths to 4 yrs)
Ranelagh - Tue. 10:30am (Family Music - 6 mths to 4 yrs)
Ranelagh - Tue. 11:30am (Family Music - 6 mths to 4 yrs)